Nic McGegan

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Brilliant Reviews from San Francisco (Handel’s Judas Maccabeus) and Cleveland (Haydn’s Symphony No. 104)

Conductor Nic McGegan. Photo credit Laura Barisonzi

Brilliant Review for Handel’s Judas Maccabeus with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra

Nic McGegan’s performances in San Francisco of Handel’s Judas Maccabeus with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra were an overwhelming success, drew scores of praise from critics, and hailed as a “welcome addition” to the December concert scene. 

Judas Maccabeus shares the story of a military leader under whose banner the Israelites throw off the oppressive yoke of the Seleucid Empire and sets the scene for the creation of Hanukkah. 

San Francisco Classical Voice focused on the passion and intent of McGegan:

“McGegan has always prized flexibility and dramatic immediacy, as Saturday’s performance in Berkeley’s First Congregational Church showed,” the review begins. “He gave the singers their time and they rewarded him and the audience with superbly characterized performances, even though Judas doesn’t dwell on plot details or character interactions. Several times, he leaned over the podium to listen carefully to the singer. You had the sense that he was facilitating, rather than leading the performance, though his hand gestures were as expressive as ever.”

And it’s true, McGegan’s ability to engage players and audiences alike has made him a pioneer in broadening the reach of historically informed practice beyond the world of period ensembles to conventional symphonic forces. As for his urge to lean over the podium and listen to the singer? He is committed to the next generation of musicians, and his enjoyment for talented artists knows no bounds. 

“The orchestra, needless to say, was brilliant throughout, led by a full, rich string section, always the bedrock of this orchestra,” SFCV continues. “The Chorale was superbly balanced throughout but with satisfying weight to the sound.”

Acclaim for McGegan’s Performances with the Cleveland Orchestra

In another set of performances this holiday season, McGegan performed with the Cleveland Orchestra featuring trumpeter Michael Sachs. 

The program began with Schubert, starting with an Overture from his earlier opera Die Zauberharfe, and continuing with two ballets and an entr’acte. With an emphasis on instruments like oboe, clarinet, and trombone, there was a variety that allowed all to shine. 

Michael Sachs performed Hummel’s Trumpet Concerto before “McGegan’s clean, lean, and spacious shaping of Haydn’s Symphony No. 104 ended the evening,” according to Cleveland Classical. 

“Here, as earlier, the Cleveland Orchestra musicians were putty in the conductor’s batonless hands, especially in the expressive Andante. If you went on your way after the warm ovation whistling the infectious Rondo tune, thank both Joseph Haydn and Nicholas McGegan — each of them masters at communicating with their audiences.”

Cleveland Classical was not the only glowing review of this performance. The Plain Dealer’s review was equal in stature, highlighting the power in McGegan’s ability to let the music speak for itself.

“Stocked with lovely works from the Classical period and led with inimitable panache by Nicholas McGegan, the evening is one of pure, uncomplicated enjoyment. A brilliant solo turn by principal trumpet Michael Sachs only deepens the enchantment.”