Experiencing “Rinaldo” Through an Optimist’s Lens

Nicholas McGegan - Handel Rinaldo - Juilliard Opera

OperaWire praises Nic McGegan’s work with Juilliard Opera in Handel’s Rinaldo at Alice Tully Hall.

“Maestro and early music specialist Nicholas McGegan led the performance with an infectiously joyous demeanor. Among his many proclivities is his ability to not only give life to the score, but also his surroundings. He communicated with the musicians with a jovial stare, often turning around to give the audience the same courtesy. For a brief time we were allowed into his world, experiencing ‘Rinaldo’ through an optimist’s lens.” Read more on OperaWire.

Opera News also heralds Nic’s performance as “a bountiful feast”.

“A sense of celebration pervaded Juilliard’s Rinaldo. In the staged concert performance, given February 17 in Alice Tully Hall, the singers from Juilliard Opera and the early-music instrumentalists from Juilliard415 seemed to take joy in their command of their assignments, in their mutual collaboration and in the opportunity to present their sterling efforts to an enthusiastic public. Nicholas McGegan presiding over the occasion had the aspect less of a conductor than a genial host of a bountiful feast, relishing both the work of the young performers and the brilliance of Handel’s music.” Read the full review in Opera News.


McGegan Appearance is Like an Event - Joyful Welcome from St. Louis


LA Times: Nic has "outdone himself with a stupendously sung and profoundly disquieting 'Aci'"